ES-80A large single-axis centrifuge shaker
Type: 1D Servo-hydraulic
Maximum Shaking Force: 350 kN Peak displacement: 5mm Peak velocity: 1.1 m/s Maximum centrifugal acceleration: 120 g Frequency Range: 0-350Hz Payload capacity: 1500 kg Payload mounting area: 1840mm x 631mm Empty mass of shaker: 2450 kg Figure 1 illustrates the capability for matching a prototype
acceleration time history using a centrifuge shaker system. The shaker test was carried out at a centrifugal acceleration of 40g, with a payload mass of 1510 kg (model container plus dry sand). Data is displayed in model units. Note the excellent agreement between the measured acceleration produced by the shaker (black line) and the filtered target acceleration (yellow line). Also note that the shaker drive voltage, which is the actual input voltage signal applied to the shaker, bears little resemblance
to the measured (output) acceleration. This is due to the fact that, in order to reproduce a predefined target acceleration, it is necessary to pre-filter (compensate) the shaker drive voltage to account for (1) the intrinsic dynamic characteristics of the shaker system and attached payload, and (2) the dynamic properties (including structural resonances) of the centrifuge. |
Specifications are subject to change without notice.